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Age of Nationalism, Realism (1850-1871), and Age of Progress Essay

Age of Nationalism, Realism (1850-1871), and Age of Progress Essay

Age of Nationalism, Realism (1850-1871), and Age of Progress (1871-1894) - Essay Example While Napoleon III sought to preserve the most famous medieval buildings which had been disregarded since the French revolution, he directed the flattening of Large sections of the city and the replacement of old winding streets with broad avenues and large thoroughfares. This rebuilding was very significant as it turned Paris into a city of broad tree-lined boulevards and parks that are major tourists’ attraction sites today. Another positive legacy of Napoleon in France was the development of infrastructure. Under him, the French railway network was built. This greatly contributed to the development of steel industry and coal mining in France and radically changed the nature of the economy into the second largest in the world. Coal mining and steel companies issued stocks, which saw the French stock market expand enormously. The country entered the modern age of large-scale capitalism. Tycoon such as Eugene Schneider and James de Rothschild are symbols of the period.

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